Data discovery

Gimmal Altitude Adds Box Support

gimmaladminProduct Updates

Users of Gimmal Altitude are now able to reduce risk in files they store on Box by searching and mitigating files that may contain sensitive, obsolete, or trivial information

In-Place Records

What is In-Place Records Management?


Storing critical business information across various repositories can be a complicated and daunting burden often placed upon end-users. As your organization continues to grow

Retention Schedule

Creating a Retention Schedule That Works


Creating a usable, automated, and simple file plan is an important part of ensuring records are managed in consistent manner and that you are protected from legal risks

Cloud Wars

Introducing Gimmal Drop Zones

gimmaladminBlogs, Newsroom

The initial release of Gimmal Cloud Drop Zones not only expands the company’s capability in the cloud, but also enhances the highly demanded SharePoint Drop Zone feature

Records Management

Introducing Cloud Drop Zones

gimmaladminProduct Updates

Gimmal continues to expand the advanced capabilities in the Cloud with the initial release of Cloud Drop Zones. Users of our Content Governance for SharePoint solution know the