Effective Information Governance

Box Connector Updated to Add Immutability

gimmaladminProduct Updates

Today we are happy to announce the April 2020 release of our Box connector, which allows true immutability to items stored in Box.   Because this release of the connector also has on premise installation capabilities, the installation file can be found on the Gimmal Download Site. Please submit a request to Gimmal Support if you require access.


For organizations using Box Governance, Gimmal now uses the capabilities to prevent a record from being destroyed until it is disposed according to its record classification.  For organizations not using Box Governance, the connector will continue work as it did before, allowing a record to be declared and locked, however Box does not have the capability in this configuration of preventing the item from being deleted before it expires.

Box GovernanceOn Premise Installation

The Box Connector can now be installed on premise or in a private cloud. Previously it was only offered as a cloud service.  The connector when installed on premise works with Gimmal Records Management as a cloud service, installed on premise, or in a private cloud.